Tap and Press Enter
Catia Dignard
Student/PhD Spanish - specialized in Modern and Contemporary Cuban Literature, University of Toronto
Latin American Cultures, Ethnicity, Race, and Identities, Literature
Department Of Spanish And Portuguese
100 St George St
Room 2074, Sidney Smith Hall
Toronto, ON, M5S3G3
Caribbean, Brazil, Other
Silja Mitange
Power, Politics, and Public Policy, Gender, Feminist, and Sexualities Studies, Ethnicity, Race, and Identities, Political Economy and/or Economics
350 Victoria St
Toronto, ON, ON M5B 2K3
South America, Caribbean
Jorge Daniel Vasquez
Latin American Cultures, Migration, Power, Politics, and Public Policy, Ethnicity, Race, and Identities, Recent History and Memory
School of International Service, Department of Global Inquiry
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
School of International Service, American University
Washington, DC, 20016